SSD with Data Caching in Shared Web Hosting
In case you host your websites in a shared web hosting account from us, you will definitely notice their excellent performance. This is because our cloud platform uses only SSD drives for all files, e-mails and databases and we don't use HDDs for any part of the Internet hosting service. Together with the innovative ZFS file system, this setup will boost the speed of your Internet sites drastically. For load-balancing, we also use a number of SSDs for caching purposes only. Any content that generates increased traffic or creates plenty of reading/writing processes is copied on them automatically, so that the load on the main drives will be reduced, thus the overall performance of all websites hosted on our end will improve. This in turn prolongs the life of the main drives and lessens the potential for a disk failure, which is a further guarantee for the integrity of all content that you upload to your account.
SSD with Data Caching in Semi-dedicated Hosting
All semi-dedicated hosting accounts that we offer are made on a cloud platform that uses only SSD drives. We do not use HDDs any longer, so your sites will load very fast because we employ SSDs for all aspects of the service - files, databases and e-mails. As some people may host sites that are more frequently visited than others, we also use a number of drives for caching. Our system finds all the content that is loaded more frequently and copies it on these drives in order to load it from them. This setup is used for load-balancing purposes as we ensure that several reading/writing intensive Internet sites will not affect the performance of the other Internet sites which are stored on the very same main drive. Using caching drives also increases the lifespan of the main storage SSDs and reduces the potential for disk failures.