Marketing Tools
Free Marketing Tools integrated into your Web Hosting Control Panel

We’ve designed a number of Marketing Tools in your Web Hosting Control Panel that can assist you effortlessly market your sites online. The sitemap generation tool will let you obtain a precise sitemap of your web site. In addition, you can easily upload that sitemap to the search engines to crawl your website. The RSS News syndication instrument will help you make frequently refreshed content on your front page so you could get better possibilities to move high in search engine results. Moreover, we have built–in a GeoIP redirection instrument that will let you approach your clients a lot more precisely based on their geographical location.
A Sitemap Generator
Obtain a sitemap with all of your pages in an instant
The simplest way of getting your recently launched website placed in the search engines will be to send a sitemap. The sitemap shows the whole set of web pages on your website and by publishing it to a particular search engine, you tell it that you want those pages to be crawled as quickly as possible. Sitemaps are often made by third–party applications. Nonetheless, here, you don’t have to move away from your Web Hosting Control Panel. Our custom–made Sitemap Generator is incorporated into the Advanced Instruments part and will complete a sitemap for you in a click.
All you need to do is opt for the top quantity of pages you intend to be crawled, the depth of the crawled URLs and also the extension of the sitemap report.
GeoIP Redirection
Hassle–free location–driven re–directions
We provide you with a very simple instrument, which will let you sort the visitors to your site according to their location. For instance, using the GeoIP redirection application, you can easily direct all of the site visitors from Spain towards the Spanish version of your website if you have such. This will help you focus on your clients far more accurately and supply them with the on–site stay they are expecting.
No particular skills or special know–how are needed to use the GeoIP re–direction application, and you will no longer need to use .htaccess files to complete the job.
RSS News
Display the most up–to–date news within your website
In the GoKookyGo Hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, we have bundled an instrument, which lets you insert publications from the most well–known media outlets worldwide within your sites, with just a click of the mouse. Our News application functions on auto–pilot and won’t demand any additional setup work on your end,
The RSS News Syndication module is simple to customize with regards to HTML and CSS. You can easily modify the number of information items that are going to be displayed, the way that they will appear like, precisely how they will be arranged, etcetera.